Sme zámerne malé jazykové štúdio, nakoľko našou filozofiou je sústrediť sa v prvom rade na kvalitu jazykovej výučby a sprievodných služieb.
Nekladieme dôraz na kvantitu na úkor kvality: Naopak, sústredíme sa na konkrétne potreby našich študentov po ich študijnej, osobnostnej i ľudskej stránke a to nielen jednotlivo, ale i v rámci našich malých študijných skupiniek.
We are intentionally a small language studio as our philosophy is to focus on quality of our teaching and provided services.
Quality over Quantity: We focus on our students’ needs from different angles and take into consideration not only their individual learning needs but also personal and human aspects of their studies in order to help them succeed and achieve their highest potential. Due to this we also teach our courses only in small groups.
OUR MOTTO: “Never a failure, always a lesson.”